Ultimate List of APIs to Enhance Your SEO

| 4 minutes read

If you are a data-driven marketer that uses analyzed data to determine what or how to market a product, then the right APIs can simplify the process.

An API (Application Programming Interface) is an interface that dictates how different software should communicate with each other. It acts like a translator between software by breaking down and interpreting data so 3rd parties can understand it. With nearly all applications collecting data, you have the opportunity to add value to your product.

Here I will discuss APIs for 5 different applications. These are Pay-Per-Click, Search Engine Optimization, Social Networks, API Learning tools and other useful APIs.

Pay-Per-Click APIs

If you’re looking to integrate data from your pay-per-click campaigns then here is your list. This can be used to create a centralized dashboard, make better decisions on your advertising budget allocation.

Bing Ads API
This API allows advertisers and agencies to manage their Bing Ads accounts with campaigns, keywords, ad groups and ads. There is a free version, but authorization is required.

Facebook Ads API
The Ads API is part of the larger set of Facebook APIs and lets you create and manage ads on Facebook programmatically. You can use the Ads API to build ad management tools that provide innovative solutions and differentiated value.

Google Adwords API
Developers are able to build software that connects directly to Adwords with this API. It can:

  • Simplify the Automatic generation of ad text, keywords and destination URLs.
  • Combine AdWords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock.
  • Establish additional tools and applications to help you manage accounts.

There is a free version but authorization is required.

The SEMRush API works by allowing users to gain access to data from the SEMRush servers for analysis, by just making a request. The charge is $15 per month.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) APIs

Here’s a great list you can use for any application that deals with SEO. These range from one’s that’ll give you the grade of your website’s SEO, extractions of backlink profiles, or other measurements of your website.

Ahrefs API
A crawler AhrefsBot that visits 6 billion pages daily, index ~90 billion unique pages with ~700 billion unique external and 4,600 billion unique internal links as of now. All this can be accessed through their API.

Bing Search API
Bing Search API allows developers to utilize XML and JSON to customize search options on websites. It is available for free but is limited by a rate.

Majestic SEO API
Majestic SEO API provides back links that are stored in their database upon request. The light version is available for free on request, but it is limited compared to the Platinum version available. The light version is available upon consideration after making a special request from Majestic.

Raven API
Managing accounts and campaigns is as easy as requesting an API Key from within your profile on Raven. Raven API is available to paid accounts only.

Mozscape API
Moszcapse API on SEOMoz includes intelligent metrics, URL data and SEO tool building. It is available in a free version but is limited by rate.

Wordstream’s Keyword Tool API
Developers are able to use Wordstream’s algorithms and keywords in their own applications with this API. The free version is a trial version.

Social Network APIs

Use these API to see the health of your social media campaigns.

Graph API for Facebook
Graph API is the main software used for creating apps on Facebook. The free version is limited to a rate.

Social Authority is used to locate the most influential users on Twitter. The free version is limited to a rate.

Gnip provides social media data to some of the biggest corporations for analysis and product marketing. There is a Trial version available.

Google+ API
This API can be integrated with your Google+ account to maximize communication with Google+ features. It is available for free but at a limited rate.

Klout API
Klout gives access to its data which is collected with advanced diagrams and illustrations. It is available for free but at a limited rate.

PeerIndex API
PeerIndex provides Social Influence Data to your application or service. There is a free version but it is limited by rate.

SharedCount API
This API tracks URL shares, likes and more on Social networks. There is a free version but it throttles the amount of usage.

Twitter REST API
With this API, you are able to gather tweet and user information, gather follower data and manage your account. The free version is limited to a rate.

API learning Tools

Codecademy is a useful website that can be used to teach or learn programming languages such as Python or Javascript to build apps and learn API coding. It is free.

Mashape is an API marketplace that allows you to give and access over 2000 APIs. Some of the APIs are free.

ProgrammableWeb provides access to a large number of APIs, codes, developers and mashups with the convenience of an internal search engine. It is a free service.

Other Useful APIs

AlchemyAPI analyzes and processes natural languages from the cloud, thereby eliminating other integrated processing systems. A demo and free API key is available but the rate is limited.

The Google Analytics APIs
The Google Analytics APIs offers The Collection API, The Management API and The Data Export API to users. It manages Google analytics accounts and profiles. It is available free, but authorization is required.

The Google Places API
This API is used to find detailed information about places across a wide database. It is free but authorization is required.

Repustate API
This is a simplified tool that allows you to predict trends and organize social media data. It is free but at a limited rate.


Table of Contents

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